Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Water Jet Facts

Not sold on water jet cutting? Here are some facts to consider before completely dismissing the service:

If you’re looking for a New York water jet cutting company, look no further than H&H Precision Wire. Get in touch with us today by visiting www.HHPrecisionWire.com

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Neat Water Jet Cutting Projects

People do a lot of neat things with water jet cutting. Here are some of our favorites:

Waterjet cutting a chair from a sound (From Ponoko)

Waterjet technology used on recycled content (From DesignWire Daily)

Water jet used to fabricate a fountain (From www.CopperTech.biz)

Need Pennsylvania water jet cutting services or found a unique use? Contact H&H Precision Wire at www.HHPrecisionWire.com