Friday, December 23, 2011

Free Quote from H&H Precision Wire!

Regardless of the industry you're in, or the type of material you need to have cut, you won't find a machine shop that puts out better quality with as quick a turnaround time as H&H Precision Wire. On top of our great service, we offer our prospective customers free quotes. This allows you to budget for a project, and know how much it's going to cost you before the work starts. No surprises at the end!

Fill out our free quote request form, and someone from H&H Precision Wire will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Here are some of the more frequently asked questions we receive about wire EDM:

What materials can be cut by wire EDM?
If a material conducts electricity, the wire EDM process can cut through it.

What kind of surface finish can I expect from wire EDM products?
Wire EDM cutting can produce a finish similar to surface ground with a fine wheel. In general, the finish has a matte look to it, but some can get close to a mirror finish.

What industries use this type of precision cutting?
Aerospace, medical and automotive industries all use this form of machining.

H&H Precision Wire is a Pennsylvania wire EDM company that can cut whatever you need. Find us online at

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wire EDM Process

How does wire EDM work?
  • First, a discharge of electricity is create between the wire/electrode and the work piece
  • The spark jumps across the gap, thereby removing material from the piece and wire
  • In order to stop the sparking process from shorting out, a non-conductive field (dielectric) is applied. The waste is removed by the dielectric, and the process continues.

What can wire EDM cutting do for you? Contact Pennsylvania wire EDM experts H&H Precision Wire by visiting

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wire EDM Examples

Want to know what wire EDM can do for you? Check out the following pictures:

Want Pennsylvania wire EDM experts to handle your next project? Contact H&H Precision Wire by checking out

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wire EDM Facts

Here are some facts about wire EDM cutting:
  • Wire EDM is able to cut anything that conducts electricity
  • This form of precision cutting dates back to the 1770s
  • It was developed commercially in the 1970s
  • The mid 1980s saw EDM machining transferred to a machine tool
  • Wire EDM makes working with harder materials and metals possible, and keeps the precision cutting exactness

Looking for a Pennsylvania wire EDM company? Then find out what H&H Precision Wire can do for you by visiting

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Water Jet Cutting vs Laser Cutting

If you’re devoted to laser cutting and think water jet cutting is for the birds, consider the following:
  • Lasers have a thickness limitation. Water jets don’t.
  • Lasers have problems cutting through reflective materials. A water jet cutter won’t.
  • Lasers produce heat. A waterjet machine won’t.
  • Lasers are not good at cutting heat-sensitive materials. Waterjets are.
If you want to talk to New York water jet cutting experts, then contact H&H Precision Wire today through

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Water Jet Facts

Not sold on water jet cutting? Here are some facts to consider before completely dismissing the service:

If you’re looking for a New York water jet cutting company, look no further than H&H Precision Wire. Get in touch with us today by visiting

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Neat Water Jet Cutting Projects

People do a lot of neat things with water jet cutting. Here are some of our favorites:

Waterjet cutting a chair from a sound (From Ponoko)

Waterjet technology used on recycled content (From DesignWire Daily)

Water jet used to fabricate a fountain (From

Need Pennsylvania water jet cutting services or found a unique use? Contact H&H Precision Wire at

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Water Jet Cutting FAQ

Here are some of the commonly asked questions we get about water jet cutting:

Waterjet cutting is where a mixture of water and an abrasive substance is pushed out at a high velocity. This combination enables the precision cutting of many different materials.

What kind of materials can a water jet cut through?
It can cut through many different materials from metals like aluminum and titanium, ceramics, foams, plastics, cardboard and rubber.

What kind of things does waterjet cutting make?
The process is used for a variety of products, from boxes and disposable diapers to tools for all different purposes.

Is it accurate?
It depends on the material, its thickness and the shape of the cut, but a water jet is one of the more accurate forms of precision cutting.

How thick can it cut?
Usually from .10” to .12” thick, and this varies with the material’s hardness or softness.

Could you use PA water jet cutting services? Contact H&H Precision Wire today by visiting

Friday, June 3, 2011

See What H&H Precision Wire's Water Jet Cutting Can Do

The water jet cutting tables at H&H Precision Wire run 24 hours a day, in order to ensure we get our orders out. Our tables are able to cut a wide variety of materials, from plastic and glass to tool steel and titanium.

With our technologies, we are able to meet the precision machine needs of all our clients. From gears and sprockets to vents and rings, we have the ability to cut it all. Check out what we can do for you by visiting today. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

What is Water Jet Cutting?

A waterjet table hard at work.
Water jet.” You might have heard the term, but you may not know what it entails.

Water is one of nature’s most powerful forces. Think about how it feels to get carried under the waves at the beach or to get sprayed by a traditional garden hose, or consider the damage floods can do. It has the power to wash away rocks, and to erode the sides of mountains.

Back to that garden hose: think about the pressure it contains. Now, imagine if it was pushed through a much smaller hole, at a much higher pressure. Mix in an abrasive element, like garnet, and you have a tool that can cut through a wide variety of substances. The waterjet cutters at H&H Precision Wire are able to cut through a wide variety of substances, like cardboard and rubber, to aluminum and titanium.

Erosion is from which the idea of water jet cutting comes. The early seeds of this form of precision cutting were planted in the 1800s, when hydraulic coal mining became popular in areas like New Zealand and Soviet Union. Miners used water from streams, and blasted it over a rock face, which would carry away loose coal and rock.

By the California Gold Rush (1853 to 1886), pressurized water was used to excavate from mines soft gold rock, the first time such a feat was attempted. Another reason this was notable is because this allowed the miner to stand back from the face being washed, meaning less danger. In the 1930s, the Russians first attempted cutting rock with pressurized

The waterjet cutting technology as its known today was first developed in the 1970s, with the first industrial cutter installed in 1972. The industry took off, with water jet cutting becoming one of the most preferred forms of precision cutting. Water jet cutting is used today in a variety of applications, from cutting disposable diapers to tools for space exploration. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Check out H&H Precision Wire’s New Website

Technology is constantly changing. When we started H&H Precision Wire in 1985, the Internet wasn’t known about by the general public. Fast forward almost 30 years later and everyone has an Internet connection.

In the precision cutting and CNC industries, we realize how fast technology moves, adapts and evolves. Our screw machine and water jet cutting machines from 30 years ago are now antiques, replaced by modern models capable of doing more for our clients.

We just a launched a new website, and this new utility will allow us to better serve current clients, and future customers. We hope you’re among the next. Visit to request a Free Quote for Wire EDM or other machining services. We look forward to working with you!